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In this project we created 3D models of a rocky outcrop of the Corumbataí Formation (Permian, Paraná Basin, Brazil), where pelitic layers (claystones and siltstones) are cut by a swarm of clastic dikes, and of an abondoned basalt quarry.
We used digital photogrammetry (SfM) with multiscale terrestrial and UAV images in order to extract brittle structures parameters (fractures, faults, dikes), comparing with classic data sampling (compass, scanlines, area sampling, circular window) assessing the limitations that may exist and proposing solutions.
You can see the location of the Corumbataí outcrop in Google Maps here.
And here is an interactive 3D model of the outcrop (via sketchfab).
This is the 3D model of the quarry (via sketchfab).
3D models of Garcia Garden Quarry (mesh / textured)
Grohmann, C. H., Viana, C. D., Garcia, G. P. B., & Albuquerque, R. W. 2023. Remotely Piloted Aircraft‐based automated vertical surface survey.
MethodsX, 10: 101982. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2022.101982 (open access) -
Viana, C.D.; Grohmann, C.H.; Busarello, M.T.S.; Garcia, G.P.B., 2018. Structural analysis of clastic dikes using Structure from Motion - Multi-View Stereo: a case-study in the Paraná Basin, southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 48(4):839-852. https://doi.org/10.1590/2317-4889201800201898 (open access)
Grohmann, C.H.; Viana, C.D.; Busarello, M.T.S.; Garcia, G.P.B., 2018. Structural analysis of clastic dikes based on Structure from Motion/Multi-View Stereo. Geomorphometry 2018 Conference. Boulder, CO. Available at PeerJ Preprints https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.27060v1 (open access)
[repository]: Github repo with RPA images, 3D meshes and point clouds
[blog post]: Mariana presents her Bachelor degree final paper
[blog post]: “Garcia Garden” quarry - 3D modeling of a vertical wall with SfM and a UAV
[3D model]: 3D model of the quarry available at Sketchfab
[3D model]: 3D model of the outcrop available at Sketchfab
[thesis]: Camila D. Viana PhD thesis
A list of all our datasets is available in the Datasets Page
Camila Duelis Viana (PhD 2017-2021)
Camila is leaded this project. She is responsible for generating the 3D models and developing the code for automatic detection of faults and fractures. As part of her PhD duties, she is also involved with supervision of undergrad students.
Fernanda A. Ferretti (undergrad 2018)
For her undergraduate degree monograph, Fernanda worked with an abandoned basalt quarry (now a city park). She used structural data obtained from the 3D models to evaluate the slope stability.
Mariana dos Santos Toledo Busarello (undergrad 2017) - For her monograph, Mariana worked with the 3D reconstruction of the outcrop with SfM-MVS, acquiring structural data from the clastic dikes with ply2atti and compared the data from the 3D model with data collected in the field.
Guilherme P. Bento Garcia (PhD) - Even though this project was not directly related to his PhD, Guilherme helped us in all field campaigns and in the discussions of the results.
FAPESP #2016/06628-0 - Application of high-resolution digital elevation models in geology and geomorphology.