Dune Field 4D

Drones and Lasers in the sand

Quick links: about · publications · datasets · grants



Back in 2010 we acquired an airborne LiDAR survey of the Garopaba Dune Field, located in southern Brazil about 45km south of Florianópolis (see it in Google Maps), as part of the research grant FAPESP #2009/17675-5. We created some nice DTMs and evaluated how the calculated volume of sand would change with different spatial resolutions of the DTM (Grohmann & Sawakuchi 2013).

In 2019 we went back to create a new DTM, this time using TLS and SfM-MVS. You can check the results in the paper published in Computers & Geosciences (also freely availabe as a preprint at arXiv)

Video - Garopaba fieldwork

Garopaba Dune Field (Dunas do Siriú) by SPAMLab on Sketchfab

3D scan of the team

DTM of the Garopaba Dune Field (image created with Planlauf Terrain)



  • Grohmann C.H., Garcia. G.P.B., Affonso, A.A., Albuquerque, R.W., 2020 - Aeolian dune modelling from airborne LiDAR, terrestrial LiDAR and Structure from Motion–Multi View Stereo. Computers & Geosciences, 143:104569
    http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104569 Preprint available at arXiv:1910.06186 [physics.geo-ph] (open access)

  • Grohmann C.H., Garcia. G.P.B., Affonso, A.A., Albuquerque, R.W., 2020 - Coastal dune modelling from airborne LiDAR, terrestrial LiDAR and Structure from Motion-Multi View Stereo. Proceedings of the Geomorphometry 2020 conference_
    http://doi.org/10.30437/Geomorphometry2020 (open access)

  • Grohmann, C.H., Sawakuchi, A.O., 2013. Influence of cell size on volume calculation using digital terrain models: a case of coastal dune fields. Geomorphology. 180-181:130-136 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.09.012 Postprint available at EarthArXiv.org (open access)

[video] - Short video of our field trip

[blog post]: Field trip to Garopaba    



A list of all our datasets is available in the Datasets Page



CNPq #423481/2018-5. - UAV-based high-resolution imaging in geological, geomorphological and environmental analysis.

FAPESP #2016/06628-0 - Application of high-resolution digital elevation models in geology and geomorphology.

FAPESP #2009/17675-5 - Digital terrain analysis and remote sensing applied to geomorphometric characterization of landforms.