
Putting taxpayers' money to good use


Multi-Scale Geomorphometric Analysis of Mass Movements in São Sebastião (SP, Brazil).
period: 2024-2026
funding: FAPESP (2023/11197-1)
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann
Collabs: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, România, Geomorphometry & Hydrogeomatics Research Group, University of Guelph

Artificial Intelligence and High-Resolution Remote Sensing applied to the study of mass movements, geological risks and coastal habitats.
period: 2022-2025
funding: CNPq 311209/2021-1
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann

Trans-Amazon Drilling Project: origin and evolution of the forests, climate, and hydrology of the South American tropics.
period: 2021-2026
funding: FAPESP (2018/23899-2)
PI: André O. Sawakuchi, IGc-USP

Topographic construction along the northeastern Andes and the origin of the Transcontinental Amazon Basin.
period: 2019-2025
funding: FAPESP (2018/15613-1)
PI: Mauricio Parra Amézquita, IEE-USP

Sea-level changes and global monsoon system: clues from marine cores in Brazil.
period: 2019-2026
funding: FAPESP (2016/24946-9)
PI: Luigi Jovane, IO-USP


Analysis of manual and semi-automatic shallow landslides inventories and its suitability in predictive models.
period: 2019-2025 funding: FAPESP (2019/17261-8 ) (DSc scholarship)
PI: Helen Cristina Dias

Microplastic’s geochronology in coastal sediment: analysis based on optically stimulated luminescence (LOE), stable isotopes (13C), thermal analysis, and GNSS positioning.
period: 2022-2024
funding: FAPESP (2020/12050-6)
PI: Anderson T.S. Ferreira

Mapping and classification of watersheds affected by hydro geomorphological processes in the Serra do Mar Paulista: foundation for planning and mitigation actions.
period: 2022-2024
funding: FAPESP (2022/04233-9)
PI: Vivian C. Dias (Post-Doc)

High-Resolution Remote Sensing, Deep Learning and Geomorphometry in Analyses of Mass Movements and Geological Risk.
period: 2021-2023
funding: FAPESP (2019/26568-0)
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann
Collabs: Department of Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg (Z_GIS), Geomorphometry & Hydrogeomatics Research Group, University of Guelph, Unisinos, Institute for Technological Research (IPT-SP)

Dimensions US-BIOTA São Paulo: a multidisciplinary framework for biodiversity prediction in the Brazilian Atlantic forest hotspot.
period: 2017-2023
funding: FAPESP (2013/50297-0)
PIs: Cristina Miyaky, IB-USP + Ana Carolina Carnaval, CUNY

PIRE: climate research education in the Americas using tree-ring speleothem examples (PIRE-CREATE).
period: 2017-2022
funding: FAPESP (2017/50085-3)
PIs: Francisco William da Cruz Junior, IGc-USP + Mathias Vuille, UAlbany
Collab: Karstic Systems Lab (IGc-USP)

UAV-based high-resolution imaging in geological, geomorphological and environmental analysis.
period: 2019-2021
funding: CNPq 423481/2018-5
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann
Collabs: The Lecours Lab (Un. Florida), Marine Meiofauna Research Group (Unifesp Santos), Geology Lab of the School of Technology (Unicamp), Institute for Technological Research (IPT-SP)

Automatic segmentation of landslide scars in remote sensing imagery with deep learning.
period: 2019-2021 funding: FAPESP (2019/17555-1) (MSc scholarship)
PI: Lucas Pedrosa Soares

Applications of Structure-from-Motion and Terrestrial LiDAR in Geology and Geomorphology.
period: 2019/03-2022/02
funding: CNPq 304413/2018-6
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann

Application of high-resolution digital elevation models in geology and geomorphology.
period: 2017-2019
funding: FAPESP (2016/06628-0)
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann
Collabs: Geology Lab of the School of Technology (Unicamp), Ecosystem Dynamics Observatory (UNESP)

Quantitative approaches for big river deposits: integrated field geology and 3D photogrammetric models.
period: 2017-2019
funding: FAPESP (2016/19736-5)
PI: Bernardo Tavares Freitas, Unicamp

Dimensions US-BIOTA-Sao Paulo: Structure and evolution of the Amazonian biota and its environment: an integrative approach.
period: 2012-2018
funding: FAPESP (2012/50260-6)
PIs: Lucia Lohmann, IB-USP + Joel Cracraft, AMNH

Digital terrain analysis and remote sensing applied to geomorphometric characterization of landforms
funding: FAPESP (2009/17675-5)
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann

Geomorphometry and landscape evolution of the Amazon Basin
period: 2016-2019
funding: CNPq (307647/2015-3)
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann

Digital Terrain Analysis of the Amazon Region
period: 2013-2016
funding: CNPq (306294/2012-5)
PI: Carlos H. Grohmann